Talk about Dance – Dancin’ Oxford

Part of my dramaturgy practice has always been about creating better opportunities for everyone to think and talk together about watching dance. The more we do, the richer our experience of watching and/or making new dance will be!

For Dancin’ Oxford 2022 I will be leading two post-show dialogue sessions for a small group of audience members together with the artistic director. The sessions are free to ticket holders for the show and will be a chance to reflect together on our experience of watching the show, and to discuss questions in dialogue with the artistic director and each other.

Expect prompts for reflection, thought-provoking discussion, and an insight into the dance-making process. It’s not your normal Q&A – it’ll be much more discursive and reflective, putting the experience nad knowledge of the artist and the audience on an equal page.

SESSION 1: Friday 11th March 2022, 8.45-9.30pm, North Wall Arts Centre, Oxford

Following Body Politic’s new show THEM, together with Emma-Jane Grieg

SESSION 2: Monday 14th March 2022, 8.45-8.30pm, Oxford Playhouse, Oxford

Following Richard Chappell Dance’s Infinite Way Home, together with Richard Chappell

Use the links above to book for the show and the sessions (they are separate booking links – for session 2 you just email